The art of the break

Title The art of the break
Names Wimmer, Mary B.
Book Number DBC27337
Title Status Available to Order
Medium Digital Books
Annotation When her father passes away, Charlotte Sobczak returns to her hometown and takes over the family Cheese factory. Charlotte must navigate bringing up her daughter, maintaining a marriage with her PTSD-suffering husband, as well as proving herself an effective businesswoman in rural Wisconsin. Some strong language.
Narrator Raasch, Dave.
Length 1 online resource (audio (11 hours, 9 minutes))
Audience Notes Contains some strong language.
Male narrator.
Local Subject Fiction - FICT
Family Stories - Fiction - FAM
American literature in English - 810
LC Subject Cheesemakers - Wisconsin - Fiction
Language English
Released 2023
Publication Info Milwaukee : Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library, 2023. (Audio and Braille Literacy Enhancement)
Original Publication Recorded from: Madison, Wisconsin : The University of Wisconsin Press, [2022] 9780299339746
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