Manitowoc River History : : Manitowoc Rapids - Lake Michigan 1836 - 2019

Title Manitowoc River History : : Manitowoc Rapids - Lake Michigan 1836 - 2019
Names Olson, Steven R.
Lorenz, Van Schepen, Judy.
Tienor, Elisabeht.
Wippermann, Donna.
Book Number DBW09447
Title Status Available
Medium Digital Books
Annotation Author Steve Olson takes an in-depth look at the history of the Manitowoc River, from the town of Manitowoc Rapids downstream to where it flows into Lake Michigan. The second of two installments.
Narrator Knorr, Susan.
Series Manitowoc River history
Series Seq 2
Length 2 hours, 30 minutes
Local Subject Wisconsin Authors - WIA
Short Book - SH
Wisconsin - History - WIH
LC Subject Industries - Wisconsin - Manitowoc - History
Manitowoc (Wis.) - History
Manitowoc River (Wis.) - History
Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp.(Manitowoc, Wis.)
Language English
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